A website built with specific design specifications provided by a detail oriented client. They wanted a website that matched the level of care they put into their professional photography.
This multiple page project uses React with typescript and then designed in CSS for greater control than a CSS framework. Multiple features designed for both mobile and web viewing including a rotating slideshow and booking form.
Professional Summary
- I am a trained IT and Software Developer with a track record of providing exceptional support to employers and clients alike throughout multiple industries.
- I grasp technical concepts quickly and I am committed to continuous learning to stay abreast of the ever-evolving IT and Software Development landscapes.
- With demonstrated leadership/management skills cultivated in the banking industry, I excel in team environments, maximizing performance to meet organizational goals.
- Having navigated the US visa process successfully, I am dedicated to leveraging my expertise in IT and Software Development to deliver client support.
JssHigham Web Solutions
This was built for a client’s book as a dedicated app for promoting and selling the book. It had
to include videos, information and a PayPal option to buy the book.
Used a React based application with responsive design using a customized format of TailwindCSS,
ensuring an exceptional user experience across all devices. Incorporated PayPal’s Dev tools to
add the payment button on the home page.
Personal Projects
I wanted to create an app for friends and family to find recipes that catered to their dietary
restrictions. I also wanted to save those recipes locally for easy access.
Built with Next.js and TailwindCSS, featuring API integration for recipe searches and dietary
filtering in a custom JavaScript function. Added local storage and context used for saving
recipes and managing state with the project.
Developed as an example of what a movie theater might use to update the movies that they are
showing and when they are playing with CRUD functionality.
The front-end is a Vite React app, utilizing Node.js for API endpoints within an Express app and
MongoDB for data modeling. TailwindCSS used for design.
For this full stack app, I orchestrated a dynamic database using Prisma and fine-tuned interactions through TRPC. Seamlessly linking this database, I crafted a user-centric platform allowing tweet creation, likes, user interaction, and seamless following of other users. Leveraging Next.js and Tailwindcss I curated a polished and responsive user experience. The app has created a great experience that has been embraced by my friends and family who can log in and out using discord.
This classic game was built in React, written with TypeScript and styled in CSS. I built this project to cement TypeScript proficiency. On page load the app will provide a word, as the user guesses letters they will appear on the keyboard or be disabled for an incorrect guess. Once you have won or lost a message will display and you can refresh to play again.
As a certification project for freeCodeCamp I opted to use React and Javascript for the functionality of the app whilst I used Bootstrap and custom CSS for styling. As a certification project, I designed and built the app from scratch and past the tests set by freeCodeCamp.
As my final certification project for freeCodeCamp I built this pomodoro clock. I opted for a clean design styled with css and the logic for the clock was written in JavaScript for this React app. The session timer will count down and then a break will start automatically.